------------------------------------------------------- \\ bbMemShrink 0.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------- [ Purpose ] It shrinks memory allocated for blackbox. ------------------------------------------------------- [ Installation ] Add path to bbMemShrink.dll in plugins.rc. ------------------------------------------------------- [ Limitation ] Only for Windows NT 3.5 or later. ------------------------------------------------------- [ How to Use ] 1) Use an app such as Task Manager to monitor mem-use for blackbox.exe process. (Hit ctrl + shift + esc. Go to "Processes" tab.) 2) Send this bro@m: @ShrinkMemory. ------------------------------------------------------- [ License ] See bbMemShrink.cpp. ------------------------------------------------------- [ Contact ] bladestaylor@yahoo.com http://bb4win.sourceforge.net/bladestaylor ------------------------------------------------------- [ Changes ] (0.0.1 - March 31, 2004) -- initial release -------------------------------------------------------