blackbox.exe API|DLL exports
ReadBool |
MakeMenuNOP |
GetTask |
ReadInt |
MakeMenuItem |
GetActiveTask |
ReadString |
GetBlackboxPath |
GetTaskListSize |
ReadColor |
bbrcPath |
GetTaskWorkspace |
ReadValue |
extensionsrcPath |
SetTaskWorkspace |
menuPath |
MakeSubmenu |
bbLean family only |
WriteBool |
plugrcPath |
MakePathMenu |
WriteInt |
stylePath |
DisableLastItem |
WriteString |
GetBBWnd |
BBMessageBox |
WriteColor |
GetBBVersion |
MenuExists |
GetOSInfo |
MakeMenu |
DeleteSetting |
GetUnderExplorer |
DelMenu |
RenameSetting |
GetSettingPtr |
Tokenize |
GetToolbarInfo |
FileExists |
BBTokenize |
GetMonitorRect |
FileOpen |
BBExecute |
EnumTray |
FileClose |
Log |
GetBlackboxEditor |
FileRead |
MBoxErrorFile |
SetDesktopMargin |
ReadNextCommand |
MBoxErrorValue |
MakeNamedMenu |
GetDesktopInfo |
ShowMenu |
GetTaskListPtr |
ConfigFileExists |
ParseItem |
GetTaskLocation |
MakeSticky |
IsInString |
SetTaskLocation |
RemoveSticky |
StrRemoveEncap |
EnumTasks |
CheckSticky |
ReplaceEnvVars |
GetAppByWindow |
ReplaceShellFolders |
MakeMenuItemString |
FoundLastValue |
IsAppWindow |
MakeGradient |
FindConfigFile |
MakeStyleGradient |
CreateBorder |
EnumDesks |
SnapWindowToEdge |
CreateStyleFont |
dbg_printf |
SetTransparency |
GetTrayIcon |
xoblite only |
MakeMenuItemInt |
GetTraySize |
ParseFontString |
CheckFontSubstitution |
// API: GetBBWnd
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the main Blackbox window
// In: None
// Out: HWND = Handle to the Blackbox window
// API: GetOSInfo
// Purpose: Retrieves info about the current OS
// In: None
// Out: LPCSTR = Returns a readable string containing the OS name
LPCSTR GetOSInfo(void)
if (osInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS)
if (osInfo.dwMinorVersion >= 90)
return "Windows ME";
if (osInfo.dwMinorVersion >= 10)
return "Windows 98";
return "Windows 95";
if (osInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5)
if (osInfo.dwMinorVersion >= 1)
return "Windows XP";
return "Windows 2000";
static char osinfo_buf[33];
sprintf(osinfo_buf, "Windows NT %d.%d", (int)osInfo.dwMajorVersion, (int)osInfo.dwMinorVersion);
return osinfo_buf;
// API: GetBlackboxPath
// Purpose: Copies the path of the Blackbox executable to the specified buffer
// In: LPSTR pszPath = Location of the buffer for the path
// In: int nMaxLen = Maximum length for the buffer
// Out: bool = Returns status of completion
LPSTR WINAPI GetBlackboxPath(LPSTR pszPath, int nMaxLen)
GetModuleFileName(NULL, pszPath, nMaxLen);
*(char*)get_file(pszPath) = 0;
return pszPath;
// Function: NextToken
// Purpose: Copy the first token of 'string' seperated by the delim to 'buf'
// and move the rest of 'string' down.
// returns: 'buf'
// API: Tokenize
// Purpose: Retrieve the first string seperated by the delim and return a pointer to the rest of the string
// In: LPCSTR string = String to be parsed
// In: LPSTR buf = String where the tokenized string will be placed
// In: LPSTR delims = The delimeter that signifies the seperation of the tokens in the string
// Out: LPSTR = Returns a pointer to the entire remaining string
// API: BBTokenize
// Purpose: Assigns a specified number of string variables and outputs the remaining to a variable
// In: LPCSTR szString = The string to be parsed
// In: LPSTR lpszBuffers[] = A pointer to the location for the tokenized strings
// In: DWORD dwNumBuffers = The amount of tokens to be parsed
// In: LPSTR szExtraParameters = A pointer to the location for the remaining string
// Out: int = Number of tokens parsed
// API: StrRemoveEncap
// Purpose: Removes the first and last characters of a string
// In: LPSTR string = The string to be altered
// Out: LPSTR = A pointer to the altered string
// API: IsInString
// Purpose: Checks a given string to an occurance of the second string
// In: LPCSTR = string to search
// In: LPCSTR = string to search for
// Out: bool = found or not
// tiny cache reader: first checks, if the file had already been read, if not,
// reads the file into a malloc'ed buffer, then for each line separates
// keyword from value, cuts off leading and trailing spaces, strlwr's the
// keyword and adds both to a list of below defined structures, where k is
// the offset to the start of the value-string. Comments or other non-keyword
// lines have a "" keyword and the line as value.
// added checking for external updates by the user.
// added *wild*card* processing, it first looks for an exact match, if it
// cant find any, returns the first wildcard value, that matches, or null,
// if none...
// API: FoundLastValue
// Purpose: Was the last read value actually in the rc-file?
// returns: 0=no 1=yes 2=wildcard matched
// API: ReadValue
// Purpose: Searches the given file for the supplied keyword and returns a
// pointer to the value - string
// In: LPCSTR path = String containing the name of the file to be opened
// In: LPCSTR szKey = String containing the keyword to be looked for
// In: LONG ptr: optional: an index into the file to start search.
// Out: LPSTR = Pointer to the value string of the keyword
// API: DeleteSetting
bool DeleteSetting(LPCSTR path, LPCSTR szKey)
// API: RenameSetting
bool RenameSetting(LPCSTR path, LPCSTR szKey, LPCSTR new_keyword)
// API: WriteString
void WriteString(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, LPCSTR value)
// API: WriteBool
void WriteBool(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, bool value)
// API: WriteInt
void WriteInt(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, int value)
// API: WriteColor
void WriteColor(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, COLORREF value)
// API: ReadBool
bool ReadBool(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, bool bDefault)
// API: ReadInt
int ReadInt(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, int nDefault)
// API: ReadString
LPCSTR ReadString(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, LPCSTR szDefault)
// API: ReadColor
COLORREF ReadColor(LPCSTR fileName, LPCSTR szKey, LPCSTR defaultString)
// API: FileExists
// Purpose: Checks for a files existence
// In: LPCSTR = file to set as check for
// Out: bool = whether found or not
// API: FileOpen
// Purpose: Opens file for parsing
// In: LPCSTR = file to open
// Out: FILE* = the file itself
// API: FileClose
// Purpose: Close selected file
// In: FILE *fp = The file you wish to close
// Out: bool = Returns the status of completion
// API: FileRead
// Purpose: Read's a line from given FILE and returns boolean on status
// In: FILE *stream = FILE to parse
// In: LPSTR string = Pointer to returned line from the file
// Out: bool = Status (true if read, false if not)
// API: ReadNextCommand
// Purpose: Reads the next line of the file
// In: FILE* = File to be parsed
// In: LPSTR = buffer to assign next line to
// DWORD = maximum size of line to be outputted
// Out: bool = whether there was a next line to parse
// API: ReplaceShellFolders
// Purpose: replace shell folders in a string path, like DESKTOP\...
// API: ReplaceEnvVars
// Purpose: parses a given string and replaces all %VAR% with the environment
// variable value if such a value exists
// In: LPSTR = string to replace env vars in
// Out: void = None
// API: GetBlackboxEditor
void GetBlackboxEditor(LPSTR editor)
// API: FindConfigFile
// Purpose: Look for a config file in the Blackbox, UserAppData and
// (optionally) plugin directories
// In: LPSTR = pszOut = the location where to put the result
// In: LPCSTR = filename to look for, LPCSTR = plugin directory or NULL
// Out: bool = true of found, FALSE otherwise
// API: ConfigFileExists
LPCSTR ConfigFileExists(LPCSTR filename, LPCSTR pluginDir)
// API: bbrcPath
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the blackboxrc file that is being used
// In: LPCSTR = file to set as default bbrc file (defaults to NULL if not specified)
// Out: LPCSTR = full path of file
// API: extensionsrcPath
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the extensionsrc file that is being used
// In: LPCSTR = file to set as default extensionsrc file (defaults to NULL if not specified)
// Out: LPCSTR = full path of file
// API: plugrcPath
// In: LPCSTR = file to set as default plugins rc file (defaults to NULL if not specified)
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the plugins rc file that is being used
// Out: LPCSTR = full path of file
// API: menuPath
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the menu file that is being used
// In: LPCSTR = file to set as default menu file (defaults to NULL if not specified)
// Out: LPCSTR = full path of file
// API: stylePath
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the style file that is being used
// In: LPCSTR = file to set as default style file (defaults to NULL if not specified)
// Out: LPCSTR = full path of file
// API: Log
// Purpose: Appends given line to Blackbox.log file
// API: MBoxErrorFile
// Purpose: Gives a message box proclaming missing file
// In: LPCSTR = missing file
// Out: int = return value of messagebox
// API: MBoxErrorValue
// Purpose: Gives a message box proclaming a given value
// In: LPCSTR = value
// Out: int = return value of messagebox
// API: BBExecute
// Purpose: A safe execute routine
// In: HWND = owner
// In: LPCSTR = operation (eg. "open")
// In: LPCSTR = command to run
// In: LPCSTR = arguments
// In: LPCSTR = directory to run from
// In: int = show status
// In: bool = suppress error messages
// //Out: HINSTANCE = instance of file running
// API: IsAppWindow
// Purpose: checks given hwnd to see if it's an app
// In: HWND = hwnd to check
// Out: bool = if app or not
// API: MakeStyleGradient
// Purpose: Make a gradient from style Item
// API: ParseItem
// Purpose: parses a given string and assigns settings to a StyleItem class
// In: LPCSTR = item to parse out
// In: StyleItem* = class to assign values to
// Out: void = None
// API: MakeSticky
// API: RemoveSticky
// API: CheckSticky
// Purpose: make a plugin-window appear on all workspaces
// API: GetUnderExplorer
bool GetUnderExplorer()
// API: SetTransparency
// Purpose: Wrapper, win9x conpatible
// In: HWND, alpha
// Out: bool
// API: GetMonitorRect
HMONITOR GetMonitorRect(void *from, RECT *r, int flags)
// API: SetDesktopMargin
// Purpose: Set a margin for e.g. toolbar, bbsystembar, etc
// In: hwnd to associate the margin with, location, margin-width
// Out: void
// API: SnapWindowToEdge
// Purpose:Snaps a given windowpos at a specified distance
// In: int = distance to snap to
// In: bool = use screensize of workspace
// Out: void = none
// Function: ParseFontString
// Purpose: Parses a Name/Height/WeightShadow format font string
// In: LPSTR string, StyleItem *item
// Out: void = None
// Function: CheckFontSubstitution
// Purpose: Replaces *nix-only fonts with (hopefully) Windows equivalents
// In: LPSTR = string to replace font names in
// Out: void = None
// API: MakeGradient
// Purpose: creates a gradient and fills it with the specified options
// In: HDC = handle of the device context to fill
// In: RECT = rect you wish to fill
// In: int = type of gradient (eg. B_HORIZONTAL)
// In: COLORREF = first colour to use
// In: COLORREF = second colour to use
// In: bool = whether to interlace (darken every other line)
// In: int = style of bevel (eg. BEVEL_FLAT)
// In: int = position of bevel (eg. BEVEL1)
// In: int = not used
// In: COLORREF = border color
// In: int = width of border around bitmap
// API: CreateBorder
extern "C" void CreateBorder(HDC hdc, RECT *prect, COLORREF borderColour, int borderWidth)
// API: MakeGradientBitmap
extern "C" HBITMAP MakeGradientBitmap(int width, int height, int type, COLORREF colour_from, COLORREF colour_to, bool interlaced, int bevelStyle, int bevelPosition)
// API: CreateStyleFont
// Purpose: Create a Font, possible substitutions have been already applied.
HFONT CreateStyleFont(StyleItem * si)
// API: GetSettingPtr - retrieve a pointer to a setting var/struct
void * GetSettingPtr(int i)
// API: GetToolbarInfo
ToolbarInfo * GetToolbarInfo(void)
// API: BBMessageBox
// Purpose: standard BB-MessageBox
int BBMessageBox(int flg, const char *fmt, ...)
// API: GetAppByWindow
// Purpose:
// In:
// Out:
int GetAppByWindow(HWND Window, LPSTR processName)
// API: dbg_printf
void dbg_printf (const char *fmt, ...)
// API: GetTraySize
int GetTraySize()
// API: GetTrayIcon
systemTray* GetTrayIcon(int idx)
// API: EnumTray
void EnumTray (TRAYENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam)
// API: CleanTray
void CleanTray()
// API: GetTaskListSize - returns the number of currently registered tasks
int GetTaskListSize(void)
// API: GetTaskListPtr - returns the raw task-list
struct tasklist *GetTaskListPtr(void)
// API: GetTask - returns the HWND of the task by index
HWND GetTask(int index)
// API: GetActiveTask - returns index of current active task or -1, if none or BB
int GetActiveTask(void)
// API: GetTaskWorkspace - returns the workspace of the task by HWND
int GetTaskWorkspace(HWND hwnd)
// API: SetTaskWorkspace - set the workspace of the task by HWND
void SetTaskWorkspace(HWND hwnd, int wkspc)
// API: GetTaskLocation - retrieve the desktop and the original coords for a window
bool GetTaskLocation(HWND hwnd, struct taskinfo *t)
// API: SetTaskLocation - move a window and it's popups to another desktop and/or position
bool SetTaskLocation(HWND hwnd, struct taskinfo *t, UINT flags)
// API: EnumTasks
void EnumTasks (TASKENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam)
// API: GetDesktopInfo
void GetDesktopInfo(DesktopInfo *deskInfo)
// API: EnumDesks
void EnumDesks (DESKENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam)
// PluginMenu API – Menu.cpp
// API: MakeNamedMenu
Menu *MakeNamedMenu(LPCSTR HeaderText, LPCSTR IDString, bool popup)
// API: MakeMenu
Menu *MakeMenu(LPCSTR HeaderText)
// API: ShowMenu
void ShowMenu(Menu *PluginMenu)
// API: DelMenu
void DelMenu(Menu *PluginMenu) { } // not required anymore.
// API: MakeSubmenu
MenuItem* MakeSubmenu(Menu *ParentMenu, Menu *ChildMenu, LPCSTR Title)
// API: MakeSubmenu with Icon
MenuItem* MakeSubmenu(Menu *ParentMenu, Menu *ChildMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR Icon)
// API: MakeMenuItem
MenuItem *MakeMenuItem(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR Cmd, bool ShowIndicator)
// API: MakeMenuItem with Icon
MenuItem *MakeMenuItem(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR Cmd, bool ShowIndicator, LPCSTR Icon)
// Create the one item submenu for MakeMenuItemInt and MakeMenuItemString
MenuItem * make_helper_menu(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title, int menuID, MenuItem *Item)
// API: MakeMenuItemInt
MenuItem *MakeMenuItemInt(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR Cmd, int val, int minval, int maxval)
// API: MakeMenuItemString
MenuItem *MakeMenuItemString(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR Cmd, LPCSTR init_string)
// API: MakeMenuNOP
MenuItem* MakeMenuNOP(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title)
// API: MakeMenuSEP
MenuItem* MakeMenuSEP(Menu *PluginMenu)
// API: MakeMenuVOL
MenuItem* MakeMenuVOL(Menu *PluginMenu, LPCSTR Title)
// API: MakePathMenu
MenuItem* MakePathMenu(Menu *ParentMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR path, LPCSTR Cmd)
// API: MakePathMenu with Icon
MenuItem* MakePathMenu(Menu *ParentMenu, LPCSTR Title, LPCSTR path, LPCSTR Cmd, LPCSTR Icon)
// API: MenuExists
bool MenuExists(const char* IDString_part)
// API: DisableLastItem - set 'menu.frame.disabledColor' for item
void DisableLastItem(Menu *PluginMenu)